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Kick Ass Morning Routine
Part 1 - A good nights rest

I am madly in love with the idea of a brutal morning routine. Not necessarily just a workout but also meditation and sentence completion. You don't know what that is? We will adress it later. So here is how my morning goes.

On my ideal day I wake up at 3:30 in the morning.

This is crazy you say. Well, I understand you, however this is my ideal day. Sadly not every day goes well, and sometimes I sleep trough my whole routine, but on most days I manage to be productive. Trying real hard is the goal, not becomeing a saint.
I manage to wake up at 3:30 becouse around 19:00 Im in bed, and normally I only need 6 hours of sleep. I am not forcing myself out of bed at 3:30. I wake up early becouse I feel it's right. You probably don't feel that since almost all of my friends are working nightshifts and shit. But I don't do that. I can't do that, every weekday I am at school. But im sure you can do the equivalent of a 3:30 in you life. It is maybe 10:00 or 13:00 but I know you can do it with time.

Here is how you can have a better, shorter sleep.

  • Go to bed regularly.

If you have a recurring shedual that let's you do this, its great. Try to be always in bed at the same time of the day, no matter if its morning or night. Ideally its night but we are not living in an ideal world. This time, same time is the right time.

  • Try a night Routine

Prem stuff to be there for you in the morning.
I get my fruits out of the freezer for my morning shake. Put my clothes on a chair, and het my study stuff in my backpack.

  • Say goodbye to everyone on chat and turn off notifications.

If you do that you wont think about what meme you could send them. Aldough it is the best thing you could be thinking about, it is not the right time to think about it. Instead of that try the next point.

  • Think about pleasant stuff

I know it's plesureable, but dont think about crushing your enemys, seeing them driven before you and hear the lemontations of their woman RLOUAR. Rather think of something less agressive, not challenging but entertaining. Not your math problems, but not a wild sex scene eighter.
I like to think of my girlfriend's face when she wakes up in the morning. There is that morning light coming in the window she has crisp blue eyes and the calmest face I have ever seen. This is the same picture I will imagine when I'll be dying. Becouse seeing that makes everything worth it.

  • Don't like thinking? Try reading.

Even tough I like thinking before sleep. I still read some coding books before resting my eyes.
They are fucking boring so they kick in quite qickly. And when I feel the Melatonin having it's effect, I start concentrating on being tired. Works like a charm.

  • Have a large window of time for sleeping.

Don't worry about sleeping trough your clocks. Dont use them clocks. Have more than 8 hours to sleep in and if you are not working yourself dumb the day before you are good to go.

  • Understand the hormonal process of sleeping.

During sleep your brain processes the information you put into it the whole day. During this process data will be sorted out. It is eighter important or not. More on that in my future mails.
This process starts to happen when Melatonin, a sleep hormone, reaches a certain level in your blood. More Melatonin can be created if you eat healthy and exerceise more. Here some video about the science of sleep.

This was made by a wonderful guy. Subscribe to his channel for more insight on health related topics.

Enough of the sleepy stuff! Let's wake up!

So now you know how to lie down. Not let's get up. If you need an alarm you should use this song as your ringtone: Eminem - Phenomenal (Lyric Video)
It's good to know how awesome you are right in the morning. I tend to always remember how epic I am but a little reminder is useful even for me.

This is something I found in the comment section:
"3 Things happened to me today.
1. My friend said he hated eminem.
2. My friend got hit by a bus.
3. I lost my bus driving license."

The very first thing I do is power my laptop.
Put my earphones in with my playlist on my mp3. (intrested in the music I am listening to? hit me up a facebook and ill do a post about it)
I drink some water with lemons that I prepared during my night routine.
I go to the bathroom, wash my teeth and my face with cold water. I used to have long hair, this was the time I used to get it into a bon.
I don't drink tee or caffeine in the morning. I advice you avoid it like the plague, but I do drink 1,5l of lemon water. Yes. I piss a lot. Once you get used to it it's not that unpleasant.

Right after comes my workout. In the next part I will tell you about that in detail.
The reason for powering my laptop is my habit tracker folder. There I have excell spreadsheets. I will explain these also, probably in a video so stay around for that.

Thank you for reading this whole stuff. Let me know what you are curious about I might include some helpful materials in the next one, and tell me your toughts about this mail stuff.

Stay awesome my friend,
with love, Sipi
